Why SMARTfit Can Help Reduce Brain Fog

Why SMARTfit Can Help Reduce Brain Fog

Brain fog is a state of mind where we can’t focus on anything, we lose concentration, we are forgetful to the extreme, and in some cases, confused. People with brain fog may also have headaches and muscle fatigue as well as mental fatigue. It can have a huge impact on a person’s life, no matter how old they are.

What Causes Brain Fog?

There are many causes of brain fog. Stress can be a contributory factor, especially if the person is impacted by chronic stress, as over time, the brain becomes fatigued and cognitive functions are inhibited.

Sleep deprivation and poor-quality sleep also cause brain fog. Anyone who has been on a long-haul flight will understand all too well how brain fog works. Diet and hormonal changes can also impact how the brain functions, as well as any medications the person is taking.

Dementia is also a common cause of brain fog, and mental confusion is an early symptom that something is wrong.

Treating Brain Fog

There are various treatments that can be used on patients experiencing brain fog. An article examining the impact of brain fog on Covid-19 patients found that playing video games could help improve focus. However, further research indicates that dual tasking is even more effective.

SMARTfit is a unique and highly innovative program for brain fog. It uses a combination of physical and mental tasks, which helps create new neural pathways in the brain at the same time as working on physical tasks. Improving neuroplasticity has been shown to improve the symptoms of brain fog over time, whether it is caused by Covid-19, a hormonal imbalance, or the natural aging process.

You can learn more about SMARTfit and what it offers by clicking the link.

How does SMARTfit Work to Address Brain Fog?

SMARTfit technology can be used by therapists working with patients of all ages. SMARTfit users can use the technology to exercise their mental functions at the same time as performing physical exercises to build strength. When used consistently, SMARTfit users will see a reduction in their brain fog, and in the case of dementia patients, cognitive decline will slow down trememdously.

The SMARTfit system has in-built testing, so reports on a patient’s progress can easily be generated. This helps patients and their therapists measure progress and track how well they are doing.

Using SMARTfit to Treat Brain Fog in Older People

SMARTfit can be used by patients in wheelchairs and walkers, so it is ideal for older people experiencing brain fog as a result of dementia or other illnesses. This makes SMARTfit a great program for short-and long-term care facilities, such as memory care units, which is why many leading facilities, including the Pacific Neuro Institute and Cedars Sinai, have already implemented SMARTfit technology in their establishments.

If your senior living or medical facility treats patients with brain fog and other cognitive disorders, technology like SMARTfit can be a game-changer. It can make a real difference and should be considered a worthy investment. Learn more on SMARTfit.

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