Health Care

The sun, our mighty star, has been a source of wonder and fascination since the dawn of time. Its warmth and radiance have shaped our planet and influenced life in countless ways. In this article, we will explore five key benefits of the sun, shedding light on its importance to our well-being and the environment. So, let's dive in and discover the remarkable advantages that the sun brings to our lives.

It is the Sanitary Regulation for the Certification of Health Establishments as Friends of the Mother and the Child.  Morbidity through adequate care for pregnant women, humanized childbirth. The support, protection, and promotion of breastfeeding. Although compliance with the parameters established in this regulation is conducive to the Certification of units as "Friends of Mother and Child", all health units that attend births. Whether public or private, whether or not they wish to be certified. Must comply with the articles related to childbirth, puerperium, and breastfeeding.