Can You Workout After Getting a Tattoo?

Can You Workout After Getting a Tattoo?

Can You Workout After Getting a Tattoo?

Getting a new tattoo is an exciting experience. The new artwork adorning your body can make you feel like showing it off right away. But before you head to the gym for your regular workout routine, there are some important factors to consider about physical activity with a fresh tattoo. Exercising too soon could damage the quality of your new ink. However, some exercise can be beneficial for the tattoo healing process. Here, we’ll explore can you workout after getting a tattoo.

How Long Should You Wait to Work Out After a Tattoo?

How Long Should You Wait to Work Out After a Tattoo?

The general rule of thumb is to avoid any strenuous activity for at least 2 weeks after getting new ink. This allows your skin adequate time to begin healing properly. During this initial 2 week period, sweat and excessive movement can cause the tattooed area to become irritated. Friction from clothing and equipment may also lead to infection or fading.

Light activity like walking is usually fine a few days after getting a smaller tattoo. However, more intense exercise involving weights, cardio equipment, and sports should be avoided. For larger or more detailed tattoos, take a full 2 weeks off from the gym. Give your body plenty of time to recover before resuming intense training.

Can You Exercise Right After Getting a Tattoo?

Exercising immediately after getting a new tattoo is strongly discouraged. Your skin needs time to start recovering before being exposed to sweat, abrasion, and stretching from physical activity. Here’s why it’s important to postpone working out:

  • Increased Infection Risk – Sweat getting into your fresh tattoo can lead to infections in the damaged skin. This interferes with proper healing.
  • Irritation and Inflammation – Excess movement stretches and aggravates the raw tattooed area, causing unnecessary irritation, swelling and inflammation.
  • Fading and Blotchiness – Friction from exercise can pull out ink and cause uneven fading and blotchiness in the tattoo.
  • Delayed Healing – Exercise delays the healing process by introducing bacteria, stretching the skin, and irritating the area.
  • Deforms the Tattoo – During the first 2 weeks your skin is still integrating the ink. Early exercise can shift, warp or deform the appearance of the artwork.
  • Poor Ink Saturation – Resting allows your skin to fully absorb and settle the tattoo pigments for better saturation and vibrancy.

It’s tempting to get back to your usual routine, but patience is key after getting new body art. Take it easy for at least those first 2 weeks.

Low-Impact Exercise Options After Getting Inked

Milder forms of physical activity can be okay a few days after getting a smaller or less intricate tattoo. Low-impact options allow you to get moving again while minimizing irritation to the tattoo site. Here are some exercise ideas to consider:

  • Walking – Light walking is gentle and low friction. It gets your blood flowing to help the healing process. Just be sure to wear loose, breathable clothing over the tattoo.
  • Stationary Bike – Cycling is low impact cardio that keeps tattooed areas covered and protected from abrasion. Avoid leaning against handles and pads.
  • Yoga & Stretching – Gentle, mindful movements and stretches engage your body without straining tattooed skin. Avoid poses with too much twisting or tight clothing rubbing.
  • Low Weight Lifting – Use lighter weights that don’t require excessive effort or straining. This reduces friction and irritation to the area.
  • Swimming – The buoyancy of water provides a gentle workout option. Avoid pools, lakes, and ocean water until fully healed due to bacteria risk.
  • Elliptical Machine – Gliding motions minimize friction and tattoo irritation. Avoid resting hands on pads pressing on the tattoo site.

The key is choosing low-intensity activities that don’t overstretch, rub, or put pressure on the healing tattoo area. Make sure clothing doesn’t tightly cover the site as well. Listen to your body and stop any exercise that feels uncomfortable.

Benefits of Light Exercise for Healing Tattoos

Benefits of Light Exercise for Healing Tattoos

While vigorous training too soon after getting inked can certainly be detrimental, light activity provides some benefits for the healing and recovery process. Here’s how light exercise can help your new tattoo:

  • Improves Circulation – Light activity gets your blood flowing, circulating essential nutrients and oxygen throughout your body to aid healing.
  • Reduces Scabbing – Gentle movement helps prevent excessive scabbing by stimulating blood flow.
  • Relieves Soreness – Light exercise releases endorphins that naturally relieve post-tattoo soreness and discomfort.
  • Prevents Stiffness – Avoiding activity altogether can cause stiffness. Light motion keeps the body from getting too stiff.
  • Enhances Immunity – Moderate exercise gives your immune system a boost to protect against infection.
  • Aids Removal of Ink Byproducts – Movement helps the lymphatic system clear away excess ink byproducts from the tattoo site.
  • Maintains Healthy Habits – Light activity maintains your regular exercise habits so you can resume intense training after healing.

The key is keeping activity levels low and avoiding direct friction over the tattoo for the first 2 weeks. Get your doctor’s okay before starting any exercise after getting new ink.

Precautions for Exercising with a Healing Tattoo

Once the initial 2 week rest period has passed, you can begin gradually easing back into your normal gym routine. However, it’s important to take some precautions when working out with a healing tattoo:

  • Avoid activities with direct pressure, abrasion or friction on the tattoo.
  • Wear loose, breathable clothing that won’t tightly rub against the tattoo.
  • Clean the tattoo thoroughly after working out to prevent infection from sweat.
  • Use a mild fragrance-free soap and gently pat dry with a clean towel.
  • Apply a thin layer of moisturizer to the tattoo to prevent scabbing and itching after cleansing.
  • Avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, lakes or oceans until the tattoo is fully healed.
  • Shower immediately after any activity causing heavy sweating to help avoid infections.
  • Listen to your body and stop any exercise that causes pain, swelling or irritation at the tattoo site.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure and wear SPF 30 or higher sunscreen on healing tattoos.
  • Let the tattoo fully finish peeling before using weights or strength training that might strain or distort the area.
  • Consider using waterproof bandages or wrap to shield a healing tattoo during activities with a high friction risk.

With proper precautions, you can keep your new ink looking vibrant and avoid setbacks during the healing process while continuing exercise. Talk to your artist for their recommendations as well.

How Long Before You Can Swim After Getting a Tattoo?

How Long Before You Can Swim After Getting a Tattoo?

For fresh tattoos exposed to water, swimming should be avoided for 2-3 weeks until the skin has fully closed up. Chlorinated pools, salt water, hot tubs, and bodies of water contain bacteria that could cause a nasty infection in your open tattoo wounds. Lakes, oceans, and waterparks tend to harbor the most germs. It’s safest to wait until all peeling has finished before swimming. For larger or complex tattoos, playing it safe by waiting a full month is wise. Verify with your artist when it’s appropriate to submerge your new ink. Proper wound closure and using waterproof bandages can allow lighter swimming earlier during healing. But take care to protect your art and listen to your body.

At-Home Care for Tattoos After Working Out

Gentle cleansing and moisturizing is key for keeping your tattoos vibrant and healthy after working up a sweat:

  • Wash – Use a mild unscented soap and warm water to gently cleanse the area. Pat dry with a clean towel, avoiding rubbing.
  • Moisturize – Apply a thin layer of fragrance-free lotion 2-3 times per day, especially after washing. Ointments like Aquaphor or A&D are good short-term.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals – Steer clear of scrubbing, exfoliating or using harsh cleansers which can fade and irritate the tattoo.
  • Watch for Signs of Infection – Look for excessive redness, swelling, warmth, discharge or pain which may indicate infection. Seek medical care promptly if these symptoms emerge.
  • Protect from Sun – Use SPF 30 or higher sunscreen on healing tattoos to prevent fading from sun exposure.
  • Let It Breathe – Avoid tight clothing, wraps or bandages that prevent the tattoo from breathing, especially during sleep.
  • Stay Hydrated – Drink plenty of water before and after exercise to aid the healing and detoxification process.

Proper aftercare and avoiding irritation during exercise go a long way in allowing your new ink to heal well. Be patient with the process and talk to a doctor or artist with any concerns.

Tattoo Aftercare Tips Following Exercise

Tattoo Aftercare Tips Following Exercise

  • Cleanse gently with mild unscented soap & water. Avoid scrubbing.
  • Apply a thin layer of fragrance-free moisturizing lotion 2-3 times per day.
  • Use SPF 30 or higher sunscreen on healing tattoos.
  • Wear loose, breathable clothing over the tattoo when active.
  • Avoid activities causing direct irritation, friction or pressure on the healing tattoo.
  • Stop exercise if it causes pain or discomfort at the tattoo site.
  • Avoid hot tubs, pools, lakes and ocean water until fully healed.
  • Watch for signs of infection like excessive warmth, swelling, redness or discharge.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before and after physical activity.
  • Let the tattoo breathe overnight rather than using tight wraps or bandages.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals, exfoliants or scrubbing the tattoo while healing.


Can I go to the gym the day after getting a tattoo?

No, it is not recommended to go to the gym or exercise the day after getting a new tattoo. Strenuous activity should be avoided for at least 2 weeks to allow proper healing. After 2 weeks, light activity can be resumed but friction, abrasion and heavy sweating on the tattoo should still be avoided. Take it easy on your fresh ink.

Should I avoid sweating with a new tattoo?

Yes, excessive sweating should be avoided during the first 2 weeks of tattoo healing as it can lead to infection from bacteria entering tattoo wounds. Use breathable coverings and avoid cardio and sports resulting in heavy sweating. After 2 weeks, gently cleanse the tattoo after sweating to prevent infection.

When can I resume swimming after a new tattoo?

It’s best to wait 2-3 weeks before submerging a new tattoo in water like pools, lakes or the ocean. The tattoo wounds need adequate time to fully close to resist infection from bacteria in the water. For larger tattoos, wait 3-4 weeks. Consult your artist for their recommendation. Use waterproof bandages if swimming earlier.

Can I take a shower after getting a tattoo?

Yes, gentle showering is fine after getting a new tattoo as long as you avoid directly spraying the tattoo with the shower head. Use mild unscented soap and avoid scrubbing the area. Rinse and gently pat dry with a clean towel. Keep showers brief during the first 2 weeks of healing.

How long until I can lift weights after a tattoo?

Allow 2-3 weeks before doing weight training involving direct friction or pressure on the tattooed area. The skin needs adequate time to heal before being stressed and stretched from lifting. Start back slowly with lower weight and stop if you feel pain/irritation. Avoid straining the area while healing.


Getting a tattoo is an exciting milestone, but properly caring for your new ink should be the priority in the days following. While it’s tempting to jump back into exercising and showing off your fresh artwork, patience pays off. Allowing 2-3 weeks of healing before working out can help prevent complications like discomfort, infection, and fading. Considering where to setup home gym pulley in your home? – when deciding on the perfect spot for your home gym pulley, keep in mind that light activity can commence after just a few days of your workout routine. However, adhere to caution; refrain from engaging in contact sports, weight lifting, swimming, and high-sweat activities until the tattooed skin has fully closed up. Listen to your body’s cues, take it slow, and ensure diligent aftercare for optimal results. With some simple precautions, your new tattoo can heal beautifully and you’ll get back to your regular active lifestyle before you know it.

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